
Lifestyle Advice


An important part of living with a painful condition, either chronic or acute, is learning how to adjust your lifestyle to live more comfortably without aggravating that condition. Dr. Hart offers Lifestyle Advice services where she evaluates each individual patient’s specific condition. Factoring in chiropractic care, she advises you on the best way to live your best life without aggravating those health challenges.

Since most issues are based on some degree of subluxation, a chiropractic adjustment is at the base of every treatment plan. With Dr. Hart’s assistance, you can achieve whole wellness and a fulfilling active lifestyle no matter what your physical limitations might be.

What you can expect from Dr. Hart's Lifestyle Advice

In concert with the relief provided by chiropractic adjustment and other holistic treatments, as well as any traditional medical interventions you might require, Dr. Hart will sit down with you and examine each of your symptoms in order to help you come up with a plan to adjust some of your behaviors in order to live a healthier life.

Areas that she can help you examine might include diet, exercise, sleep, and leisure habits. For example, if you are carrying unhealthy weight, she will advise you on your diet. Perhaps you have a chronic pain condition that precludes certain types of exercise. You might have TMJ and need to learn a simple relaxation technique. Dr. Hart will advise you on your best path to personal whole wellness.

What conditions can be treated with lifestyle advice?

There are a number of conditions that can cause almost debilitating chronic or acute pain that some simple lifestyle changes can improve. These conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Arthritis/Joint issues
  • Allergies and Asthma
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Disk problems
  • Whiplash
  • Hip pain
  • Hip, Sacroiliac, and leg pain
  • Leg pain
  • TMJ
  • Sciatica
  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Pregnancy-related back pain

What are the benefits of lifestyle advice

  • Less pain and greater mobility. With the right combination of adjustment and lifestyle changes, you really can decrease your chronic pain levels and enjoy greater mobility.
  • You can learn to truly relax more, even to the point of improving any sleep issues, such as insomnia.
  • Less chance of herniated discs in the future and a better chance of avoiding surgical intervention.
  • Slowed degeneration of the joints. Everyone deals with some degree of degeneration as they age. Chiropractic care and lifestyle changes can slow the degenerative process.
  • You can enjoy more energy and therefore a better quality of life.



Subluxation is a misalignment or dislocation of vertebrae or joints. It is basically a joint dysfunction that can affect not only your musculoskeletal system, but your neurological system and other body systems as well.


There are times where chiropractic and holistic care is not enough. If you are one of those cases where medical or surgical intervention is required, Dr. Hart will help you find the right physician or surgeon to meet your needs. Dr. Hart frequently works with local doctors in many different specialties.


Once the subluxation is adjusted and lifestyle changes adopted, you will find that you have less back pain during your pregnancy, and you may find that your actual labor is up to 60 percent shorter. You also might enjoy an easier delivery. If, as you get close to your due date, you discover that your baby is in a breech position, correcting subluxation can even work to correct that position.

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